MySQL Workbench 报错 No database selected Select the default DB to be used by double-clicking its name in the SCHEMAS

MySQL Workbench 报错 No database selected Select the default DB to be used by double-clicking its name in the SCHEMAS

Error Code: 1046. No database selected Select the default DB to be used by double-clicking its name in the SCHEMAS list in the sidebar. 0.000 sec

对于初次使用Mysql Workbench的人来说,很可能都出现这种错误。





MySQL的 Replication 是一个异步的复制过程,从一个MySQL instace(我们称之为 Master)复制到另一个MySQL instance(我们称之 Slave)。在 Master 与 Slave之间的实现整个复制过程主要由三个线程来完成,其中两个线程(Sql线程和IO线程)在 Slave 端,另外一个线程(IO线程)在 Master端。

要实现MySQL 的 Replication ,首先必须打开 Master 端的Binary Log(my

MySQL 左连接 left join 右连接 right join 内连接 inner join


select a.user_code, a.user_name, b.user_code, b.user_name from app_users a inner join app_users_bak b on a.user_code = b.user_code


select a.user_code, a.user_name, b.user_code, b.user_name from app_users